Cause or Cure?

The post often brings us pleas from various charities who hope to raise funds to seek a cure for cancer, asthma, heart disease and a host of other health problems.

Millions of pounds are given for research into potential cures for all these illnesses but rarely is any effort made into looking for the cause unless they can show a genetic or lifestyle link.
Genetic links are the most sought after because the victim can be made responsible for the problem in the same way as those who are obese or who are addicted to drugs or drink.
With modern science DNA profiles are increasingly being used to determine the possible susceptibility of individuals to disease but what of the risk that chemicals can damage the DNA?

Could science simply be finding changes in human DNA which are caused by pesticides in general and organophosphorus chemicals in particular?

OPs are known to disrupt the energy systems in the body and these in turn provide the means to control protein formation and the hormone and immune systems. Small changes in proteins can trigger disease but similarly small imbalances in hormones can cause serious illness and if the immune system fails to produce the correctly shaped antibody then that system too will fail.

Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis are just two of the diseases which may result from a faulty immune system which fails to recognise cells which are "self" and so begins to attack parts of the body as if it were some foreign invader. As with poisons the chemical formula of a molecule is not as important as its shape and the shape of an antibody is of vital importance. OP chemicals can disrupt the immune system and result in the formation of incorrectly formed antibodies. This can allow previously defeated viruses to be reactivated in the victim's body and give the impression of a more virulent or persistent strain.
It may also render the immune system antibodies incapable of recognising "self" and trigger autoimmune disease.

A host of illnesses are now seen to be caused by an error in protein formation. These include health problems ranging from obesity and asthma through to cancers, Alzheimer's disease and CJD.
It is suggested that the new science of proteomics will bring cures for all these by supplying the missing protein.

It is clear that if replacing a "missing" protein can "cure" a disease then any chemical which can prevent the proper formation of that same protein must be able to cause that disease.

Mustard Gas which was used against troops in the First World War is known to cause cancer. Those of us unfortunate to suffer with cancer, now estimated be suffered by one in three, may need to be treated with chemotherapy. Many of the drugs used are derivatives of Mustard Gas.
Radiation is known to cause cancer. Cancer patients are often treated with radiation.
Roundup has been linked to the causation of cancer and the active ingredient has been proposed as a cancer treatment.
The reason why these chemicals can be used to treat cancer is because they are cytotoxic They kill or damage cells. It is for this reason that they are also able to cause cancer.

Rachel Carson in her book "Silent Spring" reported that the chemicals found in pesticides could actually be more dangerous to the cells of the body than radiation.

The cells and organs are also directly influenced by the chemical messengers produced by the Endocrine system, the hormones, which can be amines, peptides, proteins or steroids.
Insulin is a protein and disruption to this system can result in diabetes.
Vasopressin is a peptide which helps control body fluids, breathing and blood pressure in the brain amongst other important functions. It is also known as Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and if this is absent or at inadequate levels once again diabetes may result.
Another peptide group is the parathyroid hormone which with calcitonin controls the calcium level in the blood. If the levels are inadequate to provide the proper ratio of phosphorus to calcium then the hormones trigger a process which removes minerals from the bones. Many pesticides interfere with the calcium transport system and since the body depends on natural organophosphates for life OP pesticides which act at the phosphorus atom may well cause imbalance in the blood levels.

Small peptide factors such as epidermal growth factor and platelet derived growth factor are believed to play a role in cancer.
The steroid sex hormone Oestrogen has been linked to the causation of breast cancer as have environmental pollutants which mimic the hormone. Drugs which block the oestrogen receptor sites are used to control breast cancers but they can induce cancers elsewhere in the body.

Corticosterone and aldersterone have numerous effects on the metabolism, the salt and water balance and the function of many organs.
Synthetic corticosteroids are used to treat a variety of diseases including arthritis and cancer.

Serotonin is a monoamine and is involved with contyrolling bleeding, sleep, mood, neurotransmission in the Central Nervous System and other important functions.
Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is involved with heart rate control and releasing sugar into the blood while dopamine and noradrenaline are also important in the sympathetic and Central Nervous System and help to control the blood pressure and the "flight or flight response."

This is a just a glimpse into a system which is complex and dependent upon the proper function of the protein forming and energy transfer systems. The energy system depends upon phosphorus in order to transfer oxygen around the body and this process controls both respiration and heart rate. OP compounds are known to interfere with the efficiency of energy transfer in addition to other enzyme systems.
Fat digestion can be disrupted by OPs which are both lipophilic (fat soluble) and stored in the body fat. It may be of some interest to note that secretin, which stimulates the excretion of bile and intestinal secretions which aid fat digestion, has been beneficial in the treatment of Autism.

Some hormones released by the gut are neurotransmitters which act in the brain.
Anorexia has been recognised as a result of repeated low dose exposure to organophosphorus compounds. OP insecticides are admitted to be present in the food and they will be present in the gut in close proximity to the hormone cholecystokinin which is involved in both triggering the feeling of satiety after eating and in the reactions to fear. Gastrin is not only secreted in response to alcohol and proteins in the gut but it also controls the sphincter muscles which prevent the stomach contents rising in the throat. If this substance is inhibited then the individual will suffer with rising acid which can damage the teeth and cause cancer of the oesophagus.

The energy process which drives all cells is present in all of these actions and the phospholipid lecithin forms part of bile and is involved in the break down of cholesterol which forms the hormones.

A quote from the Encyclopaedia Britannica describes this complex system well :-
"Hormones, always in astoundingly small quantities usually weighed in millionths of grams, often start reaction chains that influence the entire future course of the life process.
They serve not as the building stones but rather as executive officers, organizing and directing growth, differentiation and maintenance of organisms by control over enzymatic chemical transformations.
Their importance becomes most evident in their failures, under pathalogic conditions and in senescence."

It is interesting to note that a recent report about a major chemical company showed that the profit from the pesticide manufacturing sector was grossly exceeded by the profits made by the same company through its sales of drugs to treat asthma, heart disease, mental illness, digestive disorders and cancers.

The research into the actions of pesticides is clearly valuable in the search to find "cures" for the symptoms induced in the population by those pesticides and the drugs employed to ease those symptoms.

Since the action of all OP agents is at the phosphorus atom and since phosphorus is a vital element in almost all enzyme and hormonal systems, it is likely that a whole host of diseases may be unrecognised results of cumulative long-term chemical exposures, including and specifically the organophosphorus group and their solvents.

If an individual poisoned another and demanded money for the antidote those actions would be condemned by society.

It would seem that society is happy to pay the poisoner for the "cure" when pesticides and powerful company interests are involved.

Dated 16/9/2000

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